Budget Sequester is Endangering Marine Aviators


From the San Diego Union Tribune, Amy Schafer, January 5; excerpt:

f-18-hornet-from-sdutThe collision of two Marine jets off the coast of Southern California in November gave San Diego a front-row seat to the life-or death consequences of delaying maintenance and denying training hours to Marine Corps aviators.

The lack of funding for these core elements of the USMC mission— due mostly to Congress’ self-inflicted wound of sequestration— constitutes a breach of faith with the men and women who risk their lives serving our nation.

Sequestration’s toll on the core “man, train, and equip” missions now has a body count, and United States Marine Corps aviation is the canary in the coal mine.

The recent removal of USMC Fighter Attack Squadron 232’s commander is the fourth involuntary change in aviation leadership in 2016, a phenomenon underscoring a much broader deterioration in the quality of USMC aviation.

Read the entire Union Tribune article at http://sandiegouniontribune.ca.newsmemory.com/publink.php?shareid=0f7cf35b6

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