Take a look at current and past issues of UCCA’s University City newsletters, and you may see ‘ancient’ history … or maybe you’ll see tradition. Ten years ago, the top stories included breakfast with Santa, the tree lighting ceremony, and emergency preparedness.
In 2015, it’s Dinner with Santa and the Tree and Menorah Lighting with holiday music, combined into one large event, sure to delight kids of all ages, Friday, December 11, 5-7:30 PM, at Standley Recreation Center on Governor. For ticket information, refer to Standley’s Winter Program.
In 2005, the UC community was reviewing emergency preparedness guidelines and encouraging CERT (community emergency response team) training; and recognizing Greg Hom as the first UC resident to complete CERT training.
In 2015, the December newsletter has a story encouraging emergency preparedness and a revitalization of UC’s CERT program.
UCCA’s 2016 December/January issue is filled with other valuable news such as
- Event Highlights from the UC library, Recreation Center, Cluster Committee, Lucky Pup Dog Rescue, and EdUCate/Amazon fundraiser.
- Holiday safety and crime prevention tips, Toni Atkins’ address to UCCA, El Nino and pet safety, and Sherri Lightner’s and Scott Peters’ messages to University City.
- OMC is hosting many events, open to the public, there’s a blood drive in January, and the La Jolla Renaissance Singers perform in January.
- There’s a special section featuring UCCA’s Buy Local premium sponsors AlphaGraphics, Terri Day, and Mark Powell.
- Nancy Grove submitted a UC Planning Group report of the November meeting, Greg Zinser updated the community on Imagine UC 2020 progress, and Vince Reardon submitted an essay on Martin Luther King.
- The center spread is full color and features the garden of Carol Costarikis and Rolf Haas, the Butterfly Garden at Doyle Park, the specacular Centurion football season, and the UCHS Marching Band’s championship season.
- There’s a special section thanking new and renewing UCCA 2016 members.
- And on the full color back cover, UC residents share their New Year’s Resolutions.
Oh, yes, whatever happened to Claire with Flair? In the December 2005 advertising section, Claire with Flair was announcing the grand opening of its accessory store in the Vons center. Unfortunately, some things don’t last.
In 2016, you can support local University City businesses through UCCA’s Buy Local program; for details, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/buy-local-with-ucca/; and join UCCA today at https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
View current and past issues of UCCA’s newsletter, now in continuous publication since May 2002, at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
Note: If you have a news item to share, please submit your story through UCCA’s Contact Us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/.
Review article guidelines at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
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They are all ways neighbors can connect with neighbors and the University City community. Create a post, start a conversation, share the news, organize an event, keep in touch, take a look:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/UCCA_SD
- Nextdoor – https://nextdoor.com/sandiego/
- ImproveUC – http://improveuc.org/
- UCCA – https://www.universitycitynews.org/