February 29, 2016, courtesy of John Lee Evans, Trustee, San Diego Unified:
In Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s State of the City address he gave special attention to city parks. He also announced a major initiative for dozens of joint use projects between the school district and the city to simultaneously improve our schools and our parks. He specifically mentioned University City as part of the initiative. We already have a history of success for these projects in UC. The baseball and soccer fields are on school district property and operated by the city. This allows the schools to use them during the day and the community uses these fields on evenings and weekends.
We have a unique public space from Standley Middle School to Standley Park to Spreckels Elementary in the heart of our community. There are several projects in our master plan that will benefit our schools, as well as the community. A jogging path will connect the two schools for PE and will also provide jogging opportunities along the canyon ridge for the community. A permanent stage/pavilion will provide an outdoor performance space for schools, as well as the community. We can convert the outdated swimming pool into an aquatic center with a competitive pool that can be used by high school teams and community groups. We can add to the green space in the park by extending the field next to Spreckels into rough the surface play area. This will be available for students and the community after hours.
The school district is committed to Quality Schools in Quality Neighborhoods with the collaboration of the city. Taxpayers deserve this combining of resources for maximum benefit. The district staff will present designs at an Imagine UC 2020 community meeting in April or May. There is strong community support and City Council candidates Ray Ellis and Barbara Bry have both expressed their support for the project.
Besides the joint use projects, Propositions S and Z have funded many improvements at UC High and others are scheduled to take place in the interior areas of Spreckels, Curie, Standley and Doyle.
This project will need to be a school district/city/private partnership. As the design is developed, there will be certain amenities that will not be covered by public funds. This will provide residents and private foundations the opportunity to contribute to the project.
To find out more about the current status of this project, visit the Imagine UC 2020 page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/imagine-uc-2020-sdusd-school-facilities-project/