From Barry Bernstein, UCCA President:
March is here…and it appears we’ve survived this past month’s winter El Nino prediction of severe weather, experiencing just a couple of strong storms and some extra warm record-setting days. And what did you and your family do this past extra day in February? So after a “Leap” we now can plan to “Spring” forward into March.
Enjoying NCAA March Madness, (the Aztecs should be rated very high this year), Padre’s Spring Training for our sports enthusiasts, (and optimists)…getting our vegetable/flower gardens prepared (can you dig that), and of course watching and listening to the continuing U.S. Presidential candidates say and do outrageous things…all of which will provide many of us with entertainment and conversation this March. For our “faithful”, Easter comes a little earlier this year with Passover not until late April…different “calendars” mean different dates regardless of what the Bible might say! So that will mean the Spring Easter Egg Hunt at Standley Park will be something families will be enjoying this month, while Passover celebrants will have to wait until April to search for the “afikomen.”
At our February UCCA meeting, UCCA board members approved the application process for two San Diego County projects. One is the Community Enhancement Grant…which we’re hoping will help the replacement of our street banners and the painting of electrical boxes along Governor Drive. The other application is for recognition San Diego County’s “Live Well” organization. There’s more information on “Live Well” on page 9.
Both Barbara Bry and Ray Ellis, City Council candidates for District 1, were in attendance and introduced themselves to our audience. Information regarding the published first phase of the EIR traffic study was reviewed, along with the MidCoast trolley progress and work schedule/timeline. In attendance were some UC residents voicing concern over putrid odors, most likely originating from the Miramar Landfill. Kyle Heiskala, representing Sherri Lightner’s office, has been investigating the complaint. “Imagine UC 2020” is moving forward after endorsement of the project by Mayor Faulconer. Design plans are being prepared by San Diego City Schools and will be shared at a community-wide meeting in late April. Please read John Lee Evan’s column on page 5 for more complete information.
At the scheduled Tuesday, March 8, UCPG meeting, elections for a resident board position and a business board position will be held. Elections will begin at 5:00pm. Incumbent Nancy Groves, local realtor Glen Martin, and community advocate, Louis Rodolico are nominees for the resident position, and Nan Madden, incumbent, is running for the business board position. For more information related to these positions and qualifications for voting, review the UCPG report on page 9.
A special thank you to all of our new and continuing UCCA members for 2016…we still have a ways to go to reach our membership goal for this year. Which brings me to this question. Are you a UC resident and or business owner who reads this newsletter and enjoys living and working in UC and wondering what you can do to support the many good things that make our community so great…here’s an answer: Join UCCA! Remember, “we’re more than just a neighborhood”.
Please attend our March 9th meeting at our library and become informed and involved. Have a great month of March!
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