Courtesy of Council President Sherri Lightner:
Spring is gearing up and that means that the City’s budget process is about to be in full swing. The Councilmembers have already identified their respective budget priorities at the beginning of this year. The common asks are being reviewed by the Mayor for consideration in a draft budget and some of these budget requests relate to services in University City.
A majority of Councilmembers asked the Mayor consider funding for additional firefighter staff that would enable the South University City Fast Response Squad to be converted to a temporary fire station that would be staffed 24 hours per day instead of the current 12 hours. Other notable asks included pedestrian and bicycle safety enhancements, increased ‘off-season’ pool hours, additional support for the City’s Code Enforcement program, and design services for an expansion of the University Community Library. Stay tuned for the Mayor’s release of a proposed budget this May.
In addition to working through the budget process, the City Council recently approved amendments to the Living Wage Ordinance to include EMTs and paramedics that are contracted through the City. I’m pleased to see the expansion of this policy to include critical first responders. There have been many residents on the eastern side of University City along the Interstate 805 and State Route 52 that have been experiencing unpleasant odors. The City’s various departments and the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District have been working together to monitor, investigate and find solutions to the potential sources of the odor. Thank you to those of you that have been patient through this process. Please report any further odors to my office.
We are still looking for volunteers to serve on the Parking Advisory Board, Community Forrest Advisory Board, Senior Affairs, Board of Library Commissioners, the Golf Committee, and the Park and Recreation Board. If you are interested in serving on any of these groups or have any other needs my office may assist with, please contact Kyle Heiskala, the University City Council Representative for my office at KHeiskala@sandiego.gov.
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