We regret to inform you that due to a production setback, distribution of the print version of the February University City News could be delayed until after February 1. However, readers may now view, download, and print the PDF version and share it with family and friends. This month’s cover story tells the history of University City Community Association and the founding board members. The back cover advertisers are Torrey Holistics and California Coast Credit Union. Thanks to all our community contributors and to our advertisers and to our delivery volunteers … you are the neighbors and friends who make the print newsletter possible. Let’s support our local businesses. UCCA urges all members to refer to the advertising section our of print newsletter for current promotions from our local advertisers. The print newsletter is available as a PDF at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
From UCCA president Diane Ahern: Happy New Year University City. UCCA is proud to present our first print newsletter of 2022. This year we celebrate 20 years of UCCA and the newsletter. Every issue this year we’ll take a look back at the past as we look forward to our future. Today it looks as though the New Year is going to be full of change for the University City area. The volunteers of UCCA will do our best to keep you informed through our websites, monthly meetings, and print newsletter.
Due to Redistricting (brought on by changes in population numbers), the University City area east of I-5 will move to City Council District 6 while the area west of I-5 will remain in City Council District 1. That means the UCSD campus is split between the two districts.
Depending on where you live in the area, your County, State, and Federal districts may also change. This will affect the June primary and the November general elections because we will vote in our new districts. We’ll get more information from the Registrar of Voters in the coming months. Meanwhile, we continue with our current representatives until after the new elected representatives are sworn into office after the November election.
The Mid-Coast Trolley began operations in November and preparation for the Pure Water pipelines construction on Genesee, Nobel, and Towne Center Drive began in January. It was widely reported that the Costa Verde Center property at Genesee and Nobel was sold in January to Alexandria Real Estate. Plans to demolish the site and build a mixed-use space of office, lab and retail space could be subject to change. The UCPG planning group will provide information at an upcoming meeting.
The Planning Department will host a series of public meetings in February and March to provide information about the Community Plan Update including more information about the potential changes to land-use and zoning in our area. (Refer to the report from planning group chair Chris Nielsen on page 12.)
The changes adjacent to Standley Park are nearing completion at Standley Middle (the joint-use Aquatic Center, pavilion, walking path, and restored ball fields) and are underway at Spreckels Elementary which will undergo a whole site modernization. (Refer to video link on the front cover and photos on page 9.)
The California Utilities Commission is considering changes to net energy metering (the rate paid by the utility companies to homeowners who generate excess electricity with their roof-top solar panels). Cole Reed from State Senator Toni Atkins’ office provided an update at the January UCCA meeting. Refer to the meeting summary on page 2.Â
Please take the time to read our newsletter; what are we missing? What do you like? You can be the eyes and ears of University City. We are all neighbors and volunteers and we depend on community contributors for content that’s relevant and of interest to those who live and work here. You can contact us by email at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com or by voice mail at 858-412-0786.
I look forward to seeing you at our February UCCA meeting which will be help by Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, Wednesday, February 9, at 6 PM. The Zoom link and agenda will be posted on the University City News website prior to the meeting. The Zoom meeting ID for February is 837 0010 8840.
Please remember that our Libraries are open! Take a look at the library page for programming highlights on page 6. Our Recreation Centers are open too! Take a look a program highlights on page 8. Thanks to the library and recreation center staff and to all who help to make University City more than just a neighborhood.
For more University City News, please visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation