Event Status: UC Celebration (4th of July) and Summer Concerts at Standley Park


June 30, 2021: Unfortunately, the 2021 4th of July UC Celebration has been cancelled this year. We are hopeful that the Summer Concerts (perhaps in a modified format) will take place later in July. Summer events at Standley Park are dependent on the re-opening of the Standley Recreation Center to both the public and to our many volunteers who sponsor these long time University City traditions. For the most up to date information, contact the Standley Recreation center at 858-552-1652 and check for updates on our UCCA University City News website.

Please note: Both the 4th of July UC Celebration and the Summer Concerts are dependent on the re-opening of the Standley Park Recreation Center. As of June 27, 2021, the recreation center remains closed to the public and to volunteers.

June 27, 2021, from Diane Ahern, UCCA’s representative to the Standley Park Community Recreation Group (CRG): At the June CRG meeting, the acting area manager confirmed that the Standley Recreation Center was scheduled to open on June 28, 2021, for registration-only classes and events. Community members expressed a strong desire to host community events at the park.

Non-registration events such as open-play basketball, UC Celebration, and outdoor Summer Concerts will take place if and when the Recreation Center fully reopens to the public and volunteers. Call the Standley Recreation Center for current status at  (858) 552-1652. For current status on City services, visit sandiego.gov/status

In other Parks and Recreation news:

  • Swanson Pool will host a Lifeguard Training class in July. Tryouts and registration will be held Monday July 12th at 9:00am. Contact the pool manager for more information at 858-552-1653.
  • Job openings: The parks and recreation department is experiencing a staffing shortage and is accepting job applications for pool guards and recreation leaders at sandiego.gov/empopp/current
  • Traffic Calming measures: Former school board president and University City resident John Evans provided an information item on the construction progress for the new joint-use aquatic center, jogging path, and stage pavilion as well as the joint-use fields. The joint-use pool will be available to the public and for rental when school groups are not using it. He asked the CRG to support traffic calming measures on Governor Drive between Stadium Street and Radcliffe Drive (between Spreckels Elementary and Standley Middle Schools) to make it safer for school children as well as community members to drive, bike and walk to Standley Park and to the adjacent schools, fields, and pools. The CRG voted to write a letter of support to Councilmember Joe LaCava in favor of traffic calming measures.

UC Celebration (4th of July)

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event updates, when available, will be posted at https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-4th-of-july/

Summer Concert event updates, when available, will be posted at https://www.universitycitynews.org/summer-concerts-in-standley-park/

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