Zoom recording update for UCPG (Planning Group) – UCPG releases their July 9 agenda and UCCA seeks agenda items for their July 10 meeting; Save-the-Date for July with City Council CPU Vote


Zoom Recording Update for July 9, 2024 UCPG (planning group) meeting:

The Zoom Recording of the Tuesday, July 9, UCPG meeting is now available. The recording captures some of the in-person chatter before the meeting and displays the Zoom closed caption features and the Zoom chat. To view the Zoom recording, copy the Passcode; then click on the Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted.

Both the planning group (UCPG) and the community association (UCCA) meet this week: UCPG meets on Tuesday, July 9, at 6 PM using a hybrid format; and UCCA meets on Wednesday, July 10, at 5:30 PM in person at the UC Community Library.

UCPG has released its July agenda and provided information about upcoming City Council meetings related to the EIR and Community Plan Update (see Chris’s summary info below). UCCA seeks agenda items and will issue its July agenda on Monday, July 8.

From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen:

I’ve attached the agenda for July 9, 2024.  It’s a short agenda this month. See agenda at: 2024_07_09_Agenda_UC

Some notes: Council Policy 600-24 now allows attendance by members of the board by zoom, without advance notice or permission.  Your attendance counts, as does your vote.  In person attendance is encouraged, though.

The UCPG had a booth at the Standley Park UC Celebration on the 4th of July from 11AM to 4PM.  Thanks to Daren, Carol, and Anna for their help. Thanks to Keith Jenne for providing and setting up the canopy so we have shade! At this point I do not see the need for an August UCPG meeting.  If things change, we can schedule an August meeting.

July 23: City Council will consider Blueprint SD and all three elements of the Program EIR (Blueprint, University, and Hillcrest FPA) on July 23.

July 30: City Council will consider the University and the Hillcrest FPA on July 30.  The Program EIRs accompanying the Plan Updates will have been considered earlier.

Here is a short description of the two action items for July 9:

Item 7: This is an action item to determine where or how we will meet on September 10.  The Alexandria Terra Nova room is not available on September 10.  We can use a Biomed room at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology on the east UC San Diego campus.  Parking is available at no charge in the LJII parking lot.  This room has a capacity of 40, with hybrid capability.  Alternately, we could have an entirely virtual meeting on Zoom.  Chris Nielsen, presenting.

Item 8: This is an action item to revise our CIP list from 2023.  Some items have been fully funded  (Bill Beck’s Vista La Jolla streetlights), some partially (Marcy Park).  I’ve asked Zach Burton from CM Lee’s office to help identify items that have been fully or partially funded.  We can add, delete, or modify items on the 2023 list for submission to the city by July 31.  We’ll be submitting both an Excel spreadsheet and a written description of our priorities to the city and our council office.  I have attached a presentation from the city for CIP, and our 2023 CIP list.  These may be downloaded by using the links in the agenda.

For more information about the Planning Group, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community-plans/university/planning-group

From UCCA Community Association President Jemma Samala:

University City Community Association (UCCA) will host an in-person general public meeting on Wednesday, July 10, at the University Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. Meet & greet begins at 5:15pm and the UCCA meeting will begin promptly at 5:30pm.

Special guests for the July meeting include project construction staff for Pure Water and from UCPG Planning Group. We also expect a guest speaker to introduce the ESD Trash Collection Cost of Service Study. Standard agenda items include reports and updates from public safety, legislative, city staff, and local leaders. If you have an agenda item to suggest or wish to make a public comment, please contact us via email at: UniversityCityNews@gmail.com.

For more information about University City Community Association, visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/

UCCA has updated the July Save-the-Date post to include new information about City Council Meetings that we were not able to include in the July print newsletter.

While school is out for most of us and many of us are thinking of vacations and taking time off, community groups such as UCPG and UCCA continue to meet … and City Council Committees, the Land Use and Housing Committee, and the City Council continue to conduct hearings and schedule votes. We even have changes to two construction projects in our area!

Each update is marked with a warning sign ⚠️ in the Save-the-Date list available at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/SaveTheDateJuly2024


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️

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