Individual Use to Begin Tuesday in Accordance with COVID-19 Public Health Rules; Walking and Jogging Allowed, Physical Distancing Required, Groups and Sports Prohibited, Parking Lots Remain Closed
In a press release from City of San Diego 04/20/2020, Mayor Faulconer announced the City will be reopening some neighborhood and community parks beginning Tuesday, April 21, for passive individual use only. Activities such as walking, jogging and bicycling will be allowed. No active sports, organized activities or groups will be authorized. Physical distancing rules must be followed and face coverings are strongly recommended in accordance with County of San Diego directives. Parking lots will remain closed, and San Diegans are encouraged to visit the parks closest to them.
What’s allowed beginning Tuesday, April 21:
- All neighborhood, community, mini and pocket parks will open Tuesday.
- Only passive activities like walking and jogging are authorized in these parks.
- Visit parks in your neighborhood and within walking distance to eliminate the need for driving as parking lots will remain closed.
- Restrooms are open for public use at these parks.
- Trails will be open within open space parks for public use except for Cowles Mountain and Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve Trail, both of which will remain closed.
What’s not allowed:
- No active sports, organized activities or groups will be allowed and playgrounds, basketball courts, baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, etc. will remain closed.
- Parking lots will remain closed at all parks and beaches.
- Most amenities at these parks will remain closed including recreation centers, swimming pools, school district joint-use areas, dog off-leash areas, bicycle pump tracks, skate parks, visitor centers, nature centers and campgrounds.
Public health rules:
- Physical distancing must be followed in accordance with state, regional and local orders to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
- Face coverings are strongly encouraged while visiting park facilities.
For the most up-to-date information and a list of open parks, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/mayor/news/releases/limited-reopening-neighborhood-parks-individual-use-begin-tuesday-accordance-covid-19