As published by the San Diego Union Tribune on July 31: “The pact, plus recent court victory, prompt city to resume soliciting bids for long-awaited sewage recycling system. San Diego officials have agreed to the first “project labor agreement” in city history to help resolve legal challenges that have stalled Pure Water, a $5 billion sewage recycling system that would produce one-third of the city’s water.”
“The new agreement and a favorable court ruling last week have made city officials confident enough to solicit construction bids for Pure Water projects starting next Friday. The PLA allows both union and non-union contractors to submit bids.”
That’s an excerpt; read the entire online report (and access related reports from the SDUT) at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2020-07-31/san-diego-signs-first-ever-project-labor-deal-to-help-revive-stalled-5b-pure-water-project
The “Pure Water” pipelines pump wastewater in two 10.5 mile pipelines from the Pump Station in southwest Clairemont, through University City, to the Water Reclamation Plant just northeast of University City at 4949 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121.
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/?s=pure+water