From David Rolland, Council Communications Director: Here’s the latest installment of “The People’s Business” for ya — a preview of the August 4 City Council meeting, highlighted by more pandemic response: relaxed rules for outdoor business operations, paid sick leave for employees at large companies, and relief for small businesses in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Well, there was supposed to be just one more City Council meeting before the month-long upcoming legislative recess, but with so much unfinished business to handle, Council President Georgette Gómez has scheduled a special Council meeting on Thursday, Aug. 6. We’ll detail that meeting in our next post. For today, we’ll run down the regular meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
The discussion agenda for August 4 has five items, four of which are related to the COVID-19 pandemic: Temporary Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (Item 330); CARES Act Funding for Small and Disadvantaged Businesses (Item 331); Temporary Outdoor Business Operations, Part 1 (Item 332); Temporary Outdoor Business Operations, Part 2 (Item S501); and Wilshire Terrace Vacation (Item 333).
For the complete agenda, details and supporting materials, visit The People’s Business at https://www.sandiego.gov/blog/peoples-business-aug-3-2020
For an index of all The People’s Business posts, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/the-peoples-business
San Diego CityTV, City Council Agendas, Comment Forms, Contacts, YouTube: Easy Access to City Council and Meetings; info at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/07/07/san-diego-citytv-city-council-agendas-comment-forms-contacts-youtube-easy-access-to-city-council-and-meetings/
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