Standley Middle School PTSA has again partnered with Yasukochi Family Farms for another Farm Fresh Fundraiser because they have been enjoyed and appreciated by the UC community. We appreciate your support of Standley Middle School!
For those that have not tried it, CSA is “Community Supported Agriculture” and are boxes of local farm fresh fruits and vegetables. Boxes are sold for a reduced price keeping the supply chain between local farms and consumers open (also much fresher than typical grocery store produce). Boxes are $25 or $35 depending upon the size. Flower bunches, berry boxes and fresh eggs will also be available to order and were extremely popular in the last order!
Details and to place an order, please visit the Standley PTSA website at www.standleyptsa.org
. Click on the green “Shop and Earn” button on the right. Orders must be received by May 31. Delivery is Tuesday, June 8th from noon to 1:00pm in the Swanson Pool parking lot, located at 3585 Governor Drive.
Thanks to Standley Middle School PTSA for submitting this information. Check out the June University City News print newsletter at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2021/05/28/june-2021-university-city-news-is-now-online-read-and-download-the-pdf-home-delivery-begins-this-weekend/