The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 6 PM, using Zoom video conferencing technology. The link for joining the meeting is included below and is on page 3 of the Agenda as are instructions for joining the meeting using a phone. The July 13 agenda can be viewed and downloaded as a PDF at 2021_07_13_Agenda_UC and will be posted (when available) on the City’s website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas.
From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Neilsen: I look forward to seeing you all at the zoom meeting. Here are the items we will consider at the University Community Planning Group UCPG meeting on July 13, 2021:
- Item 7 is a Substantial Conformance Review for an emergency storm drain repair carried out in December 2020. The UCPG is asked for its recommendation after the fact. Debby Knight is familiar with the project and will describe it.
- Item 8 is the approval of the UCPG Annual Report covering April 2020 through March 2021. Reference: 2020_2021_UCPG_Annual_Report_
- Item 9 is an information item on City Council Redistricting by Val Hoy, District 1 redistricting commissioner. Public input on the process is solicited. Reference: Redistricting Community Outreach Presentation UCPG July 2021 See also https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission
- Item 10 is an action item seeking the UCPG’s recommendation on an amendment to Seritage’s Neighborhood Development Permit allowing office use at the “The Collection”, their recently completed redevelopment of the old Sears site. For the UTC location, office use is currently permitted for “street facing” locations only. Process 2. Reference: Seritage – PPT – NDP – UCPG Presentation(5179745.4) Compatibility Mode(5217926.1)
- Item 11 is an information item regarding a Substantial Conformance Review of a project by the Salk Institute. The SCR is to confirm that the proposed project refinements align with previously approved development permits, including an increase of 2,940 SF to Torrey Pines East Bldg. Located at 10010 N Torrey Pines Rd. Note: This item does not require a UCPG project Recommendation but comments may be given on the project. Reference: 210713_SALK INST_CPG_FINAL
- Item 12 is an information item by UCPG Board business member Rebecca Robinson Wood describing a proposed development on land she owns in a Trust. She describes the project as: La Jolla Village 2, Residential Development of 360 to 607 dwelling units to include possible mixed use with possible child day care or affordable dwellings. The mix of unit types to include apartments, condominiums, townhomes, single family, detached and attached buildings. The location is the south-east corner Gilman Drive at Via Alicante and the north east corner Gilman Drive at I-5 and La Jolla Colony. City Application Processes 2, 3, and 5, possible land use amendment initiation, easement vacations, new easements of various types, and possible capital improvement projects in coordination with the city or other government agencies. Rebecca Robinson Wood presenting. Note: The “La Jolla Village 2” information item that Rebecca Robinson Wood is presenting is not sponsored or endorsed by the UCPG board. She is acting on her own behalf. Reference: RobinsonWoodTrust07-13-2021UCPG
- Item 13 is an action item to rank and approve our Capital Improvement Project CIP list for submission to the city. Roger Cavnaugh has sent multiple emails to the UCPG board regarding CIP projects and has solicited additional input from the community. We will discuss proposals on our previous CIP list, those submitted by the community, and take any additional proposals at this UCPG meeting. Projects on our CIP list may be selected by the city for funding through its CIP process and may also be used by Councilmember LaCava to select projects for funding through the City Council. Reference: To be posted when available.
The agenda and information about the planning group (when available) will be posted at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas.
- Join the meeting: drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81006924460?pwd=Rzh4dE9KYTdJQlprMS96ZjJjZGZvUT09
- Meeting ID: 810 0692 4460
- Passcode: 464279
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kGFYcq4m0 and follow the directions given.
Meeting participants will initially be admitted into the meeting “waiting room”. I will move participants from there to the meeting itself. Participants will be muted on entry, and
will need to “raise their hands” to be recognized to speak. Thanks for your courtesy!