From Keep San Diego Moving and SANDAG:
The Mid-Coast project will extend the Trolley from Old Town to the University City community. Nine new stations will be constructed, serving major activity centers such as the Mission Bay area, the VA Medical Center, UCSD, and Westfield UTC.
In order to make way for the primary construction of the project, crews will begin this month the work of relocating underground utilities – such as water and sewer lines—along portions of Genesee Avenue.
This effort will help prepare the area for the new trolley infrastructure. This “wet utilities work” includes opening sections of the street to locate, move or repair portions of underground systems. The majority of this work will be performed at night to minimize impacts to traffic. For all residents and businesses in the area, access to driveways will be maintained throughout the project.
There may be some portions of roads closed or detoured at night. You may notice impacts to portions of the road over a period of three years as crews prepare to build San Diego’s newest transit line.
Our team will be making sure to keep local residents informed about any major impacts of the project.
If you have additional questions, email midcoast@sandag.org or visit www.KeepSanDiegoMoving.com/midcoast.
To view related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org