April 2021 Library News includes Curbside Caravan and Friends of the Library Mini-Book Sale


From Melissa Martin, Branch Manager, University Community Branch Library, (858) 552-1655: Are you ready for The Library Shop’s Curbside Caravan Spring ’21 Tour and Friends of the Library Mini-Book Sale? We were sad that we missed everyone in December when our visit was postponed due to world circumstances. But we’re back, and we’ll be visiting the University Community Library with our famous Curbside Caravan! Convenient, safe, and socially distanced – in your fanciest masks – spend a little time shopping for high-quality goods with a literary, book or library theme curbside at your neighborhood Library!

While you are there, check out the Friends of the Library mini-book sale – the first one since 2019! – and get gently used books at a great price. All proceeds support the San Diego Public Library. At the University Community Library entrance facing Governor Dr., Friday, April 16, from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The Library Shop Curbside Caravan is visiting other sites too. Convenient, safe, and socially distanced- shop curbside at your neighborhood Library! Noon–5pm, Wed.–Sat., starting Thursday April 1st. All proceeds support the San Diego Public Library.

  • 1st – Valencia Park/Malcolm X Library
  • 2nd – Mira Mesa Library
  • 3rd – City Heights/Weingart Library
  • 7th – Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library
  • 8th – San Ysidro Library
  • 9th – Linda Vista Library
  • 10th – Logan Heights Library
  • 14th – Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library
  • 15th – Carmel Valley Library
  • 16th – University Community Library
  • 17th – City Heights/Weingart Library

Complete the Library survey now through April 17 – help decide the future of your library! The San Diego Public Library wants to know what you want your library to look like. We are working with the San Diego Public Library Foundation to complete a Library Master Plan and are seeking broad public participation in a Community Survey that asks:

  • What you need from the Library,
  • How can the Library serve the community,
  • What services, technologies, and programs would help you and your community.

Please visit the survey webpage and complete the survey online at supportmylibrary.org/master-plan/. The survey is open February 17 to April 17 and is available in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese, in addition to English. If you have questions, would like a print survey or would like to get more information, contact the Library Foundation at office@supportmylibrary.org or call (619) 236-5849. For more information and to take the Library survey at https://supportmylibrary.org/master-plan/

Lectures at the Library the 3rd Wednesday of the month: Lectures at the Library is a series of FREE classes with San Diego Oasis offered via Zoom. These lectures provide an opportunity for learning and engagement on a variety of topics. Registrants must sign up for a free MyOasis account at https://san-diego.oasisnet.org/ to attend these virtual lectures. For more details about these programs and a registration link, visit the Library’s online calendar at https://sandiego.librarymarket.com/. Contact Melissa at the UC Library for more information or if help is needed with registration at (858) 552-1655.

  • April 21, 6:00 p.m.: The Art of Manet and Morisot, presented by Julia Fister, Studio ACE Director
  • April 22, 2:30 p.m.: Nutritional Solutions for Fatigue, Anxiety and Depression, presented by Angela Vitucci, Integrative Functional Medicine Nutritionist, R.D.N.

Spring into STEAM: During the month of April, sign your children up for up to four virtual STEAM workshops focused on different places, cultures and modes of travel. In these engaging workshops, kids will visit Egypt, learn about the rainforest, create an LED-light up world map and design a vehicle that will travel on land, over water and through the air. Each class is held twice (Saturdays/Tuesdays); upon registration, supply kits may be picked up at a nearby branch before the day of class. By completing two workshops, participants also earn a special prize. In partnership with the San Diego Air & Space Museum, Arts for Learning San Diego, ToshWerks, San Diego Parks and Recreation, and the San Diego Public Library Foundation. To register, visit sandiego.gov/public-library/spring-into-steam

For more virtual library programs, visit the SDPL Virtual Hub on Facebook group

To request books, DVDS, etc. through the San Diego Public Library online catalog at sandiego.gov/public-library/

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Fromm Melissa and the UC Staff – thanks and hope to see you all at the library to pick up your books and crafts!

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/library/

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