From the office of District 1 Councilmember Joe LaCava: Our office will host two Townhall Meetings to discuss Sewer and Water Rate Increases. The town halls will be held Saturday, July 31 at 10 a.m. and Wednesday, August 18 at 6 p.m. Those interested can register at https://sdutilityrates.com/
Why are rates increasing? The City is considering increasing sewer rates for the first time in 10 years. In addition, the City is considering passing through regional water cost increases. If approved by City Council at its September 21st hearing, the current proposals would increase single-family sewer rates up to 17%, water rates by 3%, and decrease multi family sewer rates — all of which would go into effect January 2022. The rate increases for sewer services will allow the City to continue upgrading core infrastructure by replacing aging sewer mains and pump stations, fund future waste water treatment, and minimize sewer spills. The water rate increases reflect the County Water Authority’s continuing efforts to diversify sources of water to our region and ensure adequate supplies.
What should I expect at the Townhall? You will learn more about the proposed rate increases directly from City staff. You will also have a chance to voice questions, comments, and concerns. As these increases will impact every resident in the City, my goal is to listen to community members and spend time understanding your concerns. I am cohosting this Townhall to hear directly from you. As my staff and I work on details of this proposal, your questions and comments will help me ensure City Council makes the best decision for residents, businesses, and our City.
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