Courtesy of the Redistricting Commission: at their November 9, 2021 meeting (a continuation of the November 4 meeting), the Redistricting Commission voted to direct staff to provide demographic and legal analysis for the three maps (links below). The Redistricting Commission will vote on a single preliminary map and plan at the Special Meeting on Saturday, November 13 at 10 a.m.
- Chairs Map – Map approved by the Commission on 10/29: Map #72525 https://districtr.org/plan/72525?portal
- Collaboration Map – Communities Collaboration Map: Map #72602/#70727 (both numbers have identical maps)
https://districtr.org/plan/72602?portal and https://districtr.org/plan/70727 - Compromise Map – Map submitted by residents on 11/3 titled, “Keeping a community together makes sense” and “Clairemont United Update 11/3/21”. Both submissions link to Map #74956 https://districtr.org/plan/74956?portal
Editor’s note: The interactive maps display best on a laptop or desktop computer. Each map allows the user to add various layers such as communities, council districts, school districts, population numbers, and population percentages by race.
To join the Saturday, November 13 Special Meeting at 10 AM, please use this Zoom link: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1612911501
For any redistricting inquiries, please feel free to email Redistricting2020@sandiego.gov
For reference, download and watch the Zoom video of the November 9 Redistricting Commission meeting: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/rec/share/DnpyhtXtLIarwSFpBQ3Z6Xf9sNuO-8GWJuzTXy34JdpmsMirx35822dUhrQon_Lt.iWYHxBHKvpfmhVop?startTime=1636507872000
For more information, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission
For other posts by UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/?s=redistricting