SANDAG Board of Directors / Special Session
- Meeting Date: 12/10/21
- Time: 8:30 a.m.
- Details, Agenda (with Zoom link), Comments, Supporting Documents: https://sandag.org/index.asp?meetingID=5901&fuseaction=meetings.detail
On Friday morning, December 10, the SANDAG board of directors is scheduled to discuss and vote on the 2021 Regional Plan which includes a proposal to add three additional Managed Lanes (ML) on State Route 52 (SR 52) from I-5 to 1-805 through Marian Bear Park. This is a Zoom meeting and the public is invited to participate. UCCA will post the agenda and Zoom meeting link on its website when available. Meanwhile, a link to the Board of Directors contacts and meeting information is posted on the SANDAG website at sandag.org
The SANDAG Regional Plan is updated every four years and provides a long-term, 30-year blueprint for the San Diego region that seeks to meet regulatory requirements, address traffic congestion, and create equal access to jobs, education, healthcare, and other community resources.
Details of the 2021 update are included in the Draft 2021 Regional Plan, Appendix A – Transportation Projects, Programs, and Phasing; search on “SR 52” for all references. Proposed changes to SR 52 through Marian Bear Park are included in Appendix A, Table A.8, Coast, Canyons, and Trails; available at sdforward.com/mobility-planning/2021-regional-plan-draft