From County News Center: You don’t have to wait for a sunny day or until April 22 to celebrate Earth Day. You can enjoy an entire Earth Month with the County of San Diego — from virtual fun to real events that celebrate nature and teach us how to create sustainable communities and a healthier planet.
Starting April 1, you can visit the County’s Earth Day webpage that is filled with fun and education for kids and parents alike. You can take the Earth Day pledge to care for our planet. You can play games, solve puzzles, take virtual hikes in County parks, get hiking tips from a County Park ranger, watch animated video stories about whales and watersheds, sing the Earth song and learn about beekeeping and invasive bugs.
You can learn about environmental justice and what the County is doing about some of the top environmental concerns. You can watch Earth Day messages from County leaders, explore and travel around the world, even walk on Mars ― without leaving your room.
There will also be live events, including a County Earth Day celebration from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 22 at the County Operations Center at 5500 Overland Avenue. That event will feature planting activities at the County’s Demonstration Garden, information about recycling, water quality, stormwater protection, landscaping with native plants, rain barrels, farmer’s markets and organics. There will be information about the County’s Climate Action Plan and regional decarbonization efforts. On Earth Day night, the County Administration Center downtown will be lit in green.
For more Earth Month events and activities such as Arbor Day Tree Planting, a Ranger-led Interpretive Hike, Plant a Tree with Women in the Wild, Hike to the Dam, and the Balboa Park EarthFair, visit the County News Center at https://www.countynewscenter.com/celebrate-earth-month-with-the-county-of-san-diego/
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