From Merle Langston, Beautification Chair: We hope that our UC residents have had a chance to see our newly renovated median at Governor and Radcliffe. The old weed cover liner was removed and replaced, a slight swale was created to emulate a river bed, nine new plants were planted, new irrigation emitters were brought to new plants as well as existing plants, and more rocks were added to the existing so that the rocks go from curb to curb instead of a mulch border which decayed after a few years.
A big thanks goes to UCCA who spearheaded this project, The County Board Of Supervisors headed by County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer who funded the Grant through the Community Enhancement Program (CEP) and Diane Ahern, UCCA’s Past President, who went through the complicated task of applying for the grant. The grant was for $10,000 to help support median renovation, utility box painting and street banners.
Additional thanks goes to C&G Landscape, Inc. for providing the labor and expertise in carrying out this project and who have been maintaining the vegetative medians on Governor Drive for the past several years funded by the University City Community Association – UCCA. We can do more for our community if everyone joins our UCCA. The membership fees are funneled right back into our community in so many worthwhile ways. We are looking forward next year to doing the same for the median on Governor at Stresseman.
For more information about County of San Diego grants for non-profits, visit:
- Community Enhancement Program: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/communitygrants.html
- Neighborhood Reinvestment Program: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/cao/edga/grants-office/NRP.html
For more about street medians in University City, visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/street-median-beautification-on-governor/