The first day of school is Tuesday, September 8, and two construction projects, one on Genesee and the other on Governor, will affect those walking and driving around several University City schools.
Governor, Radcilffe to Gullstrand: Layer 1 Communications issued a notice last week advising residents and businesses that construction for utility work will be done on Governor between Radcliffe and Gullstrand beginning September 8 on the south side of Governor. The work will be done in and around the sidewalk in order to provide new underground utility conduits. The construction is expected to be completed by October 9; working hours are 9 am – 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Read the entire notice at: Layer 1 Communications
Genesee near High School:
School principal Jeff Olivero issued a statement about entrances at Genesee for both drivers and walkers.
“As we access the new area on Tuesday, we need to follow some new and temporary guidelines. Starting at the two vehicular entry points, the south (cattle/marquee) gate and the north (Centurion Square) gate, cars once on campus will not be permitted to cross from one parking lot to the other. We will be posting a directional map on the school’s website to help visualize where to go on Tuesday.
Those entering the south lot, should only do so to park their vehicle for the day. This would be for students and staff only. The south lot is not to be used to pick up or drop off students. Again, the south lot is only for all day parking!
The south parking lot by the marquee will also be the entry point, and the only pedestrian entry point, for students walking onto campus from Genesee. Students coming down the hill on Genesee, from either direction, will have to enter the campus through the use the entrance gate by the marquee.
At this time, the walkway for students by the traffic light is not complete. We are sorry for the extra walking this will require, but we hope to have the walkway completed by the end of the month. Students may not use the bus lane by the traffic light to walk up and down from school.” Read the entire notice at: UCHS Parking Entrance and Lot Changes
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