From UC del Sol:
December 5, 2015 – Softball Day and Last Day for Early Bird Registration
December 5, 2015 – UC Del Sol kicks off their Spring season with a FREE softball clinic hosted by UCDS with instructors from JP Long Ball, 9:30-1:30, Standley Adult Field, between Swanson Pool and Standley Middle School.
Whether new to the sport or a loyal returning player, girls ages 5 to 14 are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Spring Early Bird Registration is now open. Go to www.ucdelsol.com for more info and to register online. Save $10 and register your daughter by December 5. Community boundaries do not apply.
UC Del Sol (UCDS) is a volunteer run, non-profit organization and ASA-affiliated girls fastpitch softball league. UCDS Age divisions range from age 5 (T-Ball) to 13.
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