Dave Roberts elected to National Leadership post


From the office of County Supervisor Dave Roberts, Third District.

County Supervisor District 3The County of San Diego has gained a strong voice in Washington DC with the election of Supervisor Dave Roberts to the National Association of Counties’ Board of Directors.

The vote on Thursday (January 14, 2016) by California State Association of Counties’ executive committee was unanimous.

“I am honored to have been selected and I look forward to representing California at the national level,” Roberts said.

NACo brings together officials from America’s 3,069 county governments to advocate with a collective voice on matters of national policy. Since taking office in 2013, Roberts has represented the County of San Diego on various NACo committees.

His assignments include chairing NACo’s Subcommittee on Long-Term Care, vice- chairing the Immigration Reform Task Force and serving as a panelist on the Health Steering Committee and Membership Steering Committee.

In addition to his appointment to the national organization’s Board of Directors, Roberts last month rose to the position of First Vice President of the California State Association of Counties. In that role, Roberts met with Gov. Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

“I’m so pleased to represent the County of San Diego at the state and federal levels,” Roberts said. “I look forward to helping set the advocacy agenda for our county and others across the state and nation.”

For more District Three news, visit http://www.supervisordaveroberts.com/district3/
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