University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at 6 PM at the Alexandria Building, 10300 Campus Point Drive, 2nd Floor Conference Room, San Diego, CA 92121. This is the same building as the Green Acre Restaurant; meeting is in the 2nd floor meeting room above the restaurant. Ample free parking. There is a lobby space outside the meeting room; refreshments provided. All are welcome to arrive early for networking.
The November agenda includes (all times subject to change without notice):
- 7:00 7. Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items (3 minute limit).
- 7:15 8. Information Item: Project 600213. Miramar Landfill Height increase, Lisa Wood, City of San Diego Environmental Services.
- 7:35 9. Action Item: Project 650416. Community Plan Amendment Initiation for The Plaza, Irvine Co., Roger DeWames presenting.
- 8:00 10. Action Item: Install stop sign at John J. Hopkins & General Atomics Court, Kathryn Spencer presenting.
- 8:20 11. Action Item: North Torrey Pines Banner District, Melanie Cohn, BIOCOM, and Jason Moorhead, ARE, presenting.
- 8:35 12. Information Item: Isabel M. Lemus Goyre, US 2020 Census.
- 8:50 13. Information Item: Chad Lohrli, RoadReader, on using an app to improve data gathering for road and bike lane conditions.
The University Community is undergoing a Community Plan Update. The UCPG meeting features a public comment section during which community members can speak directly to the UCPG planning group volunteers about what they would like to see in the new community plan. This is a public meeting so please spread the word and bring a friend.
To view a PDF version of the November 12, 2019 UCPG meeting agenda, please visit https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas