From David Rolland, Council Communications Director: City Council holds special meeting Mon, Nov 9, to discuss the “Complete Communities” plan for housing, parks, and mobility. Monday’s special meeting starts at 11 a.m. Complete Communities is a broad initiative that focuses on four components: housing, mobility, parks, and infrastructure. It includes planning strategies aimed at incentivizing construction of homes near transit, more mobility choices, and enhanced recreational opportunities. The two items on Monday’s agenda zoom in on three of those four components: housing, mobility, and parks. For the complete agenda and supporting documents and information, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/blog/peoples-business-nov-6-2020-special-meeting
For an index of all The People’s Business posts, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/the-peoples-business
San Diego CityTV, City Council Agendas, Comment Forms, Contacts, YouTube: Easy Access to City Council and Meetings; info at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/07/07/san-diego-citytv-city-council-agendas-comment-forms-contacts-youtube-easy-access-to-city-council-and-meetings/
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