Do you live or work within 1 mile of the MCAS Miramar 65 Decibel (dB) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)? If you live or work within 1 mile of the 65 dB line, then this message is for you. The Mayor’s Office shared this information at the September University City Community Association meeting.
The Department of Defense is looking for community input on military fixed wing aircraft noise mitigation. [Mitigation = the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something]
Please share this information with those who live or work within 1 mile of the MCAS Miramar 65 dB line.
A Notice by the DoD – Community Input on Noise Mitigation – deadline October 4: The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) is carrying out an effort requested under the report accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, to, in part, work with communities to find measures that would mitigate noise caused by defense fixed wing aviation activities.
Approximately 205 active and reserve installations have been identified with “covered facilities” (hospitals, daycare facilities, schools, facilities serving senior citizens, and private residences) that appear to be located within one mile or a day-night average sound level of 65 decibel or greater of a military installation or another location at which military fixed wing aircraft are stationed.
OLDCC is requesting affected communities adjacent to those 205 active and reserve installations to provide feedback through a web portal on measures to mitigate defense aviation noise for OLDCC to consider in its efforts to develop a community noise mitigation program in collaboration with the Service Secretaries.
DATES: Affected jurisdictions should provide feedback by October 4, 2021.
Details at
The attached noise footprint image is from the Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) 2020 study available at
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