Development Services issues updated Information Bulletin for Accessory Dwelling Units: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are detached or attached accessory structures on a residential lot that provide independent living areas. ADUs are intended as permanent housing solutions and shall not be used for rental terms less than 31 consecutive days.
ADUs can be integrated into existing single-family or multi-family properties. They can be designed in various ways, including converting a portion of an existing house, adding to the existing house, converting an existing garage or constructing a new detached structure.
The City of San Diego’s Development Services Department (DSD) accepts permit-ready, no-cost building plans for the construction of new companion and junior units in existing single-family or multi-family properties citywide.
- To review the permit-ready design/building plans and the May 2022 ADU/JADU Bulletin, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/development-services/news-programs/programs/companion-junior-units
- Learn more about the Housing Action Package: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/programs/housing-action-package
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