![Costa Verde Revitalization - Extension of Time](https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Costa-Verde-Revitalization-Extension-of-Time-678x381.jpg)
From the Development Services Department dated January 30, 2024:
The City of San Diego Development Services Department is committed to serving the public and improving how it provides information to you. You can now view the Notice of Future Decision COSTA VERDE REVITALIZATION EXTENSION OF TIME
Excerpt from the notice: Development Services Staff will make a decision to approve, conditionally approve, modify, or deny an application for an Extension of Time for Planned Development Permit No. 1677936, Site Development Permit No. 2413426, Neighborhood Development Permit No. 2411303, Tentative Map No. 2411304, Public Right-of-Way Vacation No. 2464871, and Easement Vacation No. 2413763 for the reconfiguration and expansion of an existing 178,000-square-foot commercial shopping center. The expansion will include the addition of approximately 40,000-square-feet of commercial office; 360,000-square-feet of research and development uses; the addition of a 10-story, 200-room hotel encompassing approximately 125,000-square-feet; and the vacation of an existing public right-of-way of Esplanade Court located at 8410 Genesee Avenue, at the corner of Nobel Drive and Genesee Avenue on a 13.9 acre site in the RS-1-14 base zone within the University Community Plan Area. Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone (MCAS Miramar); Parking Impact Overlay Zone (Campus); Parking Standards Transit Priority Area; Transit Priority Area; Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Airport Influence Area (MCAS Miramar Review Area 2); FAA Part 77 Noticing Area (MCAS Miramar); Council District (6).
From University Community Planning Group (UCPG) Chair Chris Nielsen as published in the March newsletter: I have tentatively scheduled an “extension of time” request by Alexandria for its Costa Verde redevelopment project for the March UCPG meeting. When available, the March UCPG agenda will be posted at: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas