Next Steps for Imagine UC 2020


“Imagine UC 2020”, in conjunction with San Diego City Schools, held an important community meeting on April 13, at Standley Middle School.  Board of Education trustee, Dr. John Lee Evans and Mr. Lee Dulgeroff, Director of San Diego City School’s Facilities/Building Department shared information related to planned Prop S and Prop Z improvements for our five University City public schools.

After introductory remarks, Dr. Evans introduced U.C. High Principal Jeff Olivero to briefly explain the upcoming UC Spirit Run and EdUCate! President Anne St. Louis, who encouraged everyone to attend and support the May 2nd “Taste of the Triangle” event.

Mr. Dulgeroff reviewed the proposed construction changes at our five schools, after which the second half of the meeting focused on the three main components of the “Imagine UC 2020” proposal.  The Aquatics Center, Pavilion, and Jogging Path. A fourth area of discussion was to focus on other associated community topics not eligible for Prop S/Z funding (i.e.. street safety, traffic/signage, aesthetics, etc).

These committees have been encouraged to continue any established dialogue and send their recommendations/ideas to “ImproveUC”. Greg Zinser, ImproveUC president, has recently updated their web site to accept/collect any ideas and suggestions furthering the progress of “Imagine UC 2020”.

Dr. Evans emphasized how important it will be for all residents to support friends/neighbors and to send emails/letters to city officials reflecting their support of the project, and that of supporting the “shared land-use” agreements between city and schools. The next meeting supporting the “Imagine UC 2020” proposal will be announced/published UCCA newsletter.

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