Your key fob: Take it to bed with you


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If you’ve been to a Neighborhood Watch meeting, you’ve probably already heard this crime prevention tip from Barbara Gellman, UC’s Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. Share it with a friend.

Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home or you think someone is trying to get into your house or car, press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

If you’ve made a mistake, no harm. Just hit the button again and the alarm will stop. If there’s a bad guy out there, call police 911 emergency.

And remember to carry your keys while walking to or from your car in a parking lot. The alarm will work the same way there.

For more crime prevention tips, or to learn how you can start a neighborhood watch group on your street, visit UCCA’s Neighborhood Watch page at


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