Courtesy of Val Crane, Friends of the Library:
Don’t miss the Friends’ Big Book Sale. There will be a massive selection of fiction, history, biography, reference, media of all types, kids, foreign language, art, business, science, gardening, home decoration, cookbooks, travel and many other genres.
Thursday, March 3, 1-5:30 PM; Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM, at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive, University City.
Hardbacks are only $1; paperbacks, media and children’s hardbacks, $.50, and children’s paperbacks and magazines, $.25. We’ll also have some special books and collections, priced somewhat higher.
In addition, to getting some “reads” for yourself, the funds from your purchases help provide library programs, as well as purchase books and equipment.
All monies raised by our volunteer group benefit this branch and every dollar earned by the Friends Book Sale is matched by the San Diego Public Library Foundation to fund materials, equipment and programming at University Community Library.
Visit the Library Friends on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfSDPLUniversityCommunityBranch/
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