As reported by the La Jolla Light: Dr. Cheryl Anderson, an epidemiologist known for her insights on how diet and nutrition factor into the development of heart and kidney disease and cancer, has been named founding dean of UC San Diego’s Wertheim School of Public Health.
She becomes the first black female dean in the nearly 60-year history of the campus, which has significantly diversified its leadership in recent years. Last fall, five of UCSD’s 11 deans were women. Historically, few women have served in those posts.
Anderson was already among UCSD’s top scientists. In 2016, she was elected to the National Academy of Medicine, the honorary society whose members include Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and UCSD Nobel laureate Mario Molina.
That’s an excerpt; to read the entire report from the La Jolla Light, visit https://www.lajollalight.com/news/story/2020-06-19/cheryl-anderson-ucsd-public-health
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