As posted on the UC San Diego Planning, Design and Construction website: Through innovative design, UC San Diego’s transformational projects inspire and deliver UC San Diego’s vision of the future. With the focus on creating new and better ways of collaborating across groups and disciplines, new construction projects revolutionize the physical, cultural, intellectual, healthcare, patient care, research, residential and diversity of the UC San Diego and Hillcrest campuses.
Design elements focus on UC San Diego’s commitment to the student, staff, faculty, patient, visitor and community experience by creating healthy inclusive and collaborative living, learning, teaching, working and playing mixed-use spaces that promote local and global excellence.
Current campus projects include: Central Utilities Plant Expansion, Design and Innovation Building, Downtown Park & Market “The U”, Fire Station, Franklin Antonio Hall, Hillcrest Outpatient Pavilion and Parking Structure, Marine Conservation and Technology Facility, North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood, Pepper Canyon Amphitheater and Public Realm Improvements, Revelle College Seismic Improvements: Mayer Hall and York Hall, Ridge Walk Improvements, Scripps Ocean-Atmosphere Research Simulator (SOARS), Theatre District Living and Learning Neighborhood, and University Center Public Realm Improvements. Information available at plandesignbuild.ucsd.edu.
More at UC San Diego…
- Surveys Identify Relationship between Waves, Coastal Cliff Erosion (https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressrelease/surveys-identify-relationship-between-waves-coastal-cliff-erosion) – Study shows waves, rainfall important parts of erosion process, providing new opportunity to improve forecasts
- UC San Diego Health Helps Launch San Diego’s Vaccination Super Station (https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/feature/uc-san-diego-health-helps-launch-san-diegos-vaccination-super-station) – The Vaccination Super Station at Petco Park is now providing the COVID-19 vaccine to all health care workers in the region who are eligible for Phase IA-Tier categories on the state of California’s vaccine priority list.
UCSD News: https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/ | UCSD Events: https://calendar.ucsd.edu/
Meet the UC San Diego (UCSD) representative to the University Community Planning Group (UCPG): Alyssa Helper is a Senior Community Planner in the Campus Planning Department at UC San Diego. Ms. Helper joined the Campus Planning team in Fall 2019 after spending 8 years in the private sector as an Environmental Planner. Alyssa is part of the Community Planning team within Campus Planning, which is responsible for the outreach and communication of the university’s capital program with internal and external campus stakeholders, including members of the public, as well as local community groups and organizations.
Community Planning is also responsible for agency coordination and collaborations (governmental and non-governmental) with the City of San Diego, elected officials and their staffs, and agencies, such as SANDAG, Caltrans and the California Coastal Commission. Ms. Helper received her B.S in City and Regional Planning from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and Masters in Public Administration from California State University Fullerton. When she is not working Alyssa enjoys hiking, walking along the beach, and visiting with family and friends. You may reach her by email at ahelper@ucsd.edu. UCSD’s project website is plandesignbuild.ucsd.edu.
- For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucsd/
- Construction Projects Map generated January 23, 2021, at https://maps.ucsd.edu/map/Default.htm?id=1005#!ct/18312,29152,43513,45236,20079,25242?lvl/0?mc/32.87898648899611,-117.23665237426759?z/14