Thu, Feb 18: Planning Group subcommittee to take a look at UCSD’s proposal for its Rock Bottom property


A UCPG (University Community Planning Group) subcommittee will meet Thursday, February 18, at 5:30 PM via Zoom to analyze the La Jolla Innovation Center Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The February 18 meeting will be mostly organizational, collecting initial comments and assigning parts of the DEIR to various subcommittee members to analyze.

This is a UCPG subcommittee meeting to review the Draft EIR submitted by UC San Diego for its La Jolla Innovation Center. It is open to the public. Agenda items include:

5:15 Meeting available to join via Zoom.

5:30 Call the Meeting to Order: Chris Nielsen, Subcommittee Chair

Agenda: Call for additions / deletions: Adoption

Public Comment. Two-minute limit

5:35 Information Item: Review and discussion of the DEIR Executive Summary. Division of DEIR topics for future analysis and review

6:20 Information Item: Future meeting schedule and topics

6:30 Adjournment. Next meeting to be determined


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