Background: Will Council District 1 shrink in size with Redistricting? As required by the City Charter, the City of San Diego consists of nine (9) Council Districts which should be equal in population as shown by the U.S. Census. City Council District 1 (which includes the University City neighborhood) has seen an estimated 8.1% population increase in the last 10 years indicating the district might need to shrink in order to get closer to the ideal one-ninth size as indicated on the SANDAG Population Map.
From Redistricting Commission Staff: The University City community and District 1 are invited to the upcoming Redistricting Commission District 1 special meeting on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, at 5:30 PM. Flyer available on the City’s website at https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/district_1_flyer.pdf.
Although this meeting will focus on District 1, all residents are welcome to participate, regardless of where they live in the City of San Diego. In order to help residents prepare in advance of the meeting, the following community mapping materials are available on the Redistricting Commission website at https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission:
- District 1 Special Meeting Agenda
- SANDAG Population Table
- SANDAG Population Map
- Criteria for Redrawing the Lines
- Mapping Tool & Community Feedback Link
- Redistricting Commission Basics Presentation
- Public Comment Rules & Tools Presentation
Thank you for assisting the Commission with forwarding this information to your groups and posting on social media. We hope that you can participate in this important community meeting.
Lora Fleming
Chief of Staff
City of San Diego Redistricting Commission