From SD Public Utilities: Beginning early January 2022, the City of San Diego will conduct nighttime work on Genesee Avenue from SR 52 to Centurion Square. This work is necessary to confirm the locations of underground utilities as part of the Pure Water Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels project.
What to Expect:
- Work is scheduled from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. from Monday to Thursday and will last several weeks.
- Underground utility location work will occur on Genesee Avenue from State Route 52 to Centurion Square.
- This overnight work will include construction noise.
- Two lane traffic will be maintained (one lane in each direction) on Genesee Avenue.
- For safety, lane closures around active work zones will be in place.
- Additional underground utility location work is being conducted on Executive Drive from Judicial Drive to Towne Centre Drive.
View Construction Notice PDF at  Dec. 22, 2021 – Underground Utility Work on Genesee Avenue from State Route 52 to Centurion Square
For questions or concerns, please reach out to the UC community liaison, Sarah Bowles, at sbowles@sandiego.gov.
Background / Community Presentations
- Feb. 9, 2021 – University City Planning Group Presentation
- June 9, 2021 – University City Community Association Presentation
The Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels will connect to the Morena Pipelines Middle Alignment to the south and the North City Water Reclamation Plant to the north. This project begins on Genesee Avenue between Appleton Street and state Route 52 and continues on Genesee Avenue, Nobel Drive, Towne Centre Drive and Executive Drive. Tunneling will be completed at Genesee Avenue and SR-52, at Genesee Avenue and Rose Canyon, and under Interstate 805.
For more information, visit the Pure Water University City and Eastgate Mall page on the City’s website.
Sign up for Pure Water Construction Alerts.
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