Zoom Recording Update for Jan 13 2025: Fire Safe Council meets at 6:30 PM; Ready, Set, Go!


Two updates posted 01-14-2025:

University City Fire Safe Council is inviting you to a Zoom meeting. January 13, 6:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81426760858?pwd=Y241NWdVVTlsdDdMUUgrVHBrcHZ5dz09

Meeting ID: 814 2676 0858
Passcode: 330084

1) Treasurers Report
2) Current status of Biologist Report for 2025
3) Grant Application: City of San Diego’s “Community Projects, Programs, and Services (CPPS)
We did get a $2,000 award, but City Council still needs to vote to fund it, possibly in March
4) Recent fires in LA and how they apply to us in San Diego.
5) Why we need to take action on our own properties. Even small steps can make a big difference.

For more information about the Fire Safe Council, visit:

🔥From the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department: No one knows when or where the next major wildfire will occur in our region. But it is a question of when — not if — it will happen.

That’s why San Diego Fire-Rescue has partnered with the International Association of Fire Chiefs to create the Ready, Set, Go! Wildland Fire Action Guide.

We hope you will read the guide, and follow its advice.

Ready, Set, Go! English version

Ready, Set, Go! Spanish version

  • Ready — Take personal responsibility and prepare long before the threat of a wildland fire, so your home is ready in case of a fire. Create defensible space by clearing brush away from your home. Use fire-resistant landscaping and harden your home with fire-safe construction measures. Assemble emergency supplies and belongings in a safe place. Plan escape routes and make sure all those residing within the home know the plan of action.
  • Set — Pack your emergency items. Stay aware of the latest news and information on the fire from local media, your local fire department and public safety.
  • Go –– Follow your personal wildland fire action plan. Doing so will not only support your safety, but will allow firefighters to best maneuver resources to combat the fire.

More Fire Safe information at: https://www.sandiego.gov/fire/safety/tips/readysetgo

Stay Informed with Genasys Protect and Alert San Diego; Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone


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