The Zoom Recording of the Tuesday, January 14, 2025, UCPG meeting is now available. To view the Zoom recording, copy the Passcode; then click on the Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted.
- Copy this Passcode: .5=1%GMY
- Click on the Recording Link and paste the Passcode when prompted: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/TkdMzjvS0h6ZGlZ5aZEzK-OsWkzCZRabwU57NpR-ZcTRvrJHJcCPtHGNViwf6cxy.rwoQqTyQ-uN0nl8f
The Information Items from MCAS Miramar CO Herrmann and from UCSD begin at approximately 8 minutes into the Zoom recording.
From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen: I have attached the agenda for the UCPG meeting on January 14th at 6PM. This will be a hybrid meeting, in person and on Zoom. Zoom instructions are to be found on page 3 of the agenda (and at the end of this post). I hope to see you all on Tuesday.
- January 14, 2025 6 PM agenda : 2025_01_14_Agenda_UC
- Additional UCPG information available here : https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community-plans/university/planning-group
- Zoom information : On the agenda; links at the end of this post
There are three sets of minutes attached. Please send me any revisions you have, and we’ll approve them on Tuesday.
We are going to reverse the usual order of the agenda and see how this works. Many CPGs put action and information items prior to reports.
- The meeting will begin with an information item from the commander of the MCAS Miramar Base, Eric Herrmann. He will take questions following a report.
- Next, we have an information item from UC San Diego giving an overview of strategic planning at UC San Diego, updating the 2018 Long Range Development Program, and plans for on campus housing moving forward.
- We then have an action item to approve the renewal of a Wireless Control Facility along North Torrey Pines Road at the intersection of Expedition Way (used to reach Birch Aquarium), Revelle College Drive (used to access the UC San Diego Theater District), and North Torrey Pines Road. There is no work proposed for this project.
- We will move to Public Comment, followed by reports.
- Finally, we have an action item to do a final priority ranking of the UCPG CIP list. This list has already been sent to the city and does not have rankings by design. We will add rankings for our use and our council offices’ use.
UCPG Agenda for January 14, 2025, 6 PM : 2025_01_14_Agenda_UC
This is a hybrid meeting with UCPG board members encouraged to attend in-person. Everyone, including board members, presenters, and members of the public may attend in-person or on Zoom (change in Council Policy 600-24, May 2024). This hybrid meeting will be recorded.
To Use Zoom for this Hybrid Meeting – Chris Nielsen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: January 2025 UCPG Meeting
Time: Jan 14, 2025, 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82735873123?pwd=4FiKFVKaoRAOo0iGbbGfVyi6htJIWt.1
- Meeting ID: 827 3587 3123
- Passcode: 535928
Find your local number : https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keeWX8quwP