UCCA releases November agenda; Councilmember Barbara Bry will be special guest at Wed, Nov 13, meeting


On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, University City Community Association (UCCA) hosts Neighbor Networking at 5:30, community meeting at 6 PM. All are welcome. Please join us. We meet at the Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. Ongoing agenda items include updates from community and legislative representatives such as the Police and Fire departments and local elected and legislative leaders. Each meeting includes an Open Forum during which interests and concerns of community members may be expressed. The preliminary agenda for the November 13 meeting is below. If you have an agenda item to suggest or would like to speak during open forum, please use the Contact Us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/or email us at universitycitynews@gmail.com.

Please note that this month’s featured speaker is City Councilmember Barbara Bry, scheduled at 7 PM.


A G E N D A : (tentative)
6:00- Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance/Announcements
6:05: Approval of October minutes-(vote)
Approval of agenda – (vote)
6:10- Introducing current UCCA Officer candidates, and possible “write-in” candidates. Voting OR Motion to elect the endorsed slate by “acclamation”-parliamentarian Mack Langston
6:15- Community crime update-SDPD Officer Melanie Bognuda
6:25 – San Diego Fire/Rescue- TBD

6:30- OPEN FORUM- U.C. High Music Booster-Request for Funding
Trees 1,000.Information item….Tabled motion WITHDRAWN

6:35- Legislative/ community representatives:
Miller Saltzman-Toni Atkins
Mat Gordon-Todd Gloria
Corrine Busta- Kristin Gaspar
U.S. Congress- TBD
Dr. Robert Brown, UCSD

6:45 – Chris Nielsen-UCPG Chair (Miramar Landfill, Wilmark par 3 golf course, under grounding of telephone wires, other…)

7:00- Special Guest…Barbara Bry, District 1 Councilperson

7:20- Break….Break……Break……Break

7:30- Treasurer’s Report-Don Hotz
Membership- Hallie Burch
Dec. 13-Christmas Tree/Menorah Lighting- Darlene Ventimiglia
U.C. Park Council update- Diane
“Two Miles East” – Diane
“Fire-Safe” Council- Jemma
San Diego’s Network of Town Councils- Mack
7:55- Announcement (if needed), of elected UCCA officers for 2020-2022
8:00- Adjournment (No meeting scheduled for December)
Enjoy Thanksgiving, Have a Merry Christmas, or Happy Hannukah, and a really great 2020 !

Next meeting Wed. Jan. 8, 2020

*Thank you Barbara Gellman for this evening’s refreshments

For related information about UCCA’s election of officers, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/11/08/ucca-holds-elections-and-hosts-councilmember-bry-at-november-13-community-meeting/


University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️