The Redistricting Commission will host a Special Meeting on Tuesday, October 5, at 5:30 PM to review the Redistricting Process and to discuss the themes and trends in responses received from the public.
Agenda items include:
- Item 1 – Brief Overview of the Redistricting Process
- Criteria for redrawing the lines
- How residents can get involved throughout the process
- Brief tutorial on how to use the Districtr mapping tool
- Timeline
- Item 2 – Discussion on Themes/Trends from Public Comment Received from both the 9 Special District Meetings and Redistricting Commission Website
For more information including the Zoom link to join the Virtual Public Hearing, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission/meetings
UCPG Position: Redrawing council district boundaries is underway by the City Redistricting Commission. At its August meeting, the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) passed a resolution asking that the University Community Planning Area be kept intact, that the Planning Area be kept in Council District One, and that the current composition of District One be maintained if possible.
Status Update: The Redistricting Commission held public hearings for each of the existing nine City Council districts during August and September. Now that all 9 community hearings have taken place, the Redistricting Commission will draw preliminary maps of the 9 City Council districts. Then, the Commission will host 5 additional community hearings in November and December to receive feedback on the preliminary maps.
Background: The City Charter requires the creation of a Redistricting Commission at the beginning of each decade, after the U.S. Census, to adopt plans which specify the boundaries of districts for the City Council. This process takes place independently of the City Council and Mayor’s Office.
Districts must be comprised of contiguous territory and made as equal in population as shown by the Census reports, and as geographically compact as possible. It also requires that the districts shall, as far as possible, be bounded by natural boundaries, street lines, and/or City boundary lines.
The Charter requires that the districts be drawn to provide fair and effective representation for all citizens of the City, including racial, ethnic, and language minorities. Additionally, to the extent possible, they preserve identifiable communities of interest. The redrawing of district boundaries is designed to ensure local legislatures are representative of the City’s diverse population.
Time to Get Involved:
Redistricting Commission meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 3 p.m.
- For more information and to sign up for email updates, visit sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission
- See also Redistricting Commission Basics presentation at sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/public_hearing_info_presentation.pdf