EdUCate!’s Food Truck Wednesdays resumes on Wednesday, March 2.
Rotating food trucks will park in front of Spreckels Elementary on Governor Drive every Wednesday from 5:00- 7:00 PM. New this season is live music, and table seating provided by Spreckels.
On March 2nd, the scheduled food trucks will be the Belgium Waffle Truck, Devil Dogs BBQ, and Chubby’s. 10% of all purchases are donated by the food trucks to EdUCate!’s General Fund, supporting all five UC public schools: Curie, Doyle, and Spreckels Elementary, Standley Middle, and UC High schools.
Bring friends and neighbors to Food Trucks Wednesdays and make it your weekly gathering spot.
For more information, visit https://www.uc-educate.org/
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